On the Subject of D

Probably the worst module to exist.

Refer to Appendix BLANK in Blind Alley for blank modules identification.

This module is blank, but hovering over the module will reveal the letter D.

To solve the module, press the D six times, according to certain operations.

D from Simon Stores (The First Three Presses)

To calculate D, take the sum of the base-36 digits in the serial number.

OR… you can use this lookup table, and take the sum of the corresponding values from each serial number character (you will get the same result with the table anyway). Use the left column of each colored pair as the serial number character you’re referencing, and the right for its base-36 equivalent:

0066 C12I18 O24U30
1177 D13J19 P25V31
2288 E14K20 Q26W32
3399 F15L21 R27X33
44A10 G16M22 S28Y34
55B11 H17N23 T29Z35

If this value is less than 100, prepend a zero. Keep this value for later, as you will prepend this to the answer in the next section.

D from OmegaForget (The Second Three Presses)

Take your D (from the previous section) modulo 3, and use two serial number characters depending on the result:

  • If the result is zero, use the first and second serial number characters.
  • If the result is one, use the third and fourth serial number characters.
  • If the result is two, use the fifth and sixth serial number characters.

NOTE: If there is an OmegaForget on your bomb, swap the two characters.

Interpret the result as a number in base-64 (where A=0, Z=25, 0=52, and 9=61). Convert it back into decimal.

OR… you can use this lookup table, and find the two serial number characters that you need. Multiply the value of the first character by 64 and add the value of the second. Use the left column of each colored pair as the serial number character you’re referencing, and the right for its base-64 equivalent:

052658 C2I8 O14U20
153759 D3J9 P15V21
254860 E4K10 Q16W22
355961 F5L11 R17X23
456A0 G6M12 S18Y24
557B1 H7N13 T19Z25

Once you finish this operation, take the last three digits (take the result modulo 1000). Prepend zeros until it is of length three, and then append it to the result obtained from the previous page. You should have a string of six digits, which is going to be submitted into the module.

Submitting the Module (with Example)

To submit the module, take the results from the previous two pages. From most significant to least significant, press the D when the last digit of the timer matches the corresponding digit.

For example, if your bomb’s serial number is 4D1HM4, D would be 4+13+1+17+22+4=61. Prepending a zero gives 061. D modulo 3 is 1. We use the third and fourth characters (1H) Let’s say that there’s no OmegaForget, so we don’t swap the characters. 1=53 and H=7, and 53 times 64 plus 7 is equal to 3399. Taking the last three digits, we get 399. In this case, our submission is 061399. In this scenario, the defuser would press the D when the last digit of the timer is 0, then again when it’s 6, then again on 1, then on 3, then on 9, and finally, again on 9.

There is no penalty for waiting in between inputs, nor is there one for double-tapping the module.

The module either solves or strikes accordingly once you have inputted six numbers. If the module strikes, you need to re-input the submission (once you figure out your mistake) into the module.

On The Subject Of D’s Anti-Unicorn Rule

These rules probably only exist just for the sole purpose of interfering with the solving process. I was going to make a joke about this involving the module’s name, but everyone else hated it.

When you are solving D, look out for these three edgework conditions:

  1. A port plate with ONLY a DVI-D port.
  2. An SND and/or IND indicator being present.
  3. At least one D battery and no AA batteries.

If two or all three conditions apply, every instance of Simon Stores or UltraStores on the bomb MUST be solved first before you can solve any D modules. Attempting to solve D while there are any unsolved Simon Stores or UltraStores modules on the bomb will cause a strike, regardless of whether the submitted D was correct or not.

HOWEVER... disregard this unicorn rule if there is an Organization on the bomb.