On the Subject of Shashki
This game is very similar to checkers, but the pieces are more powerful.
The module is an 8×8 checkerboard. There are 12 green and 12 red pieces on this board. The Green pieces are located on the bottom of the module, while red pieces are located on the top.
You control the green pieces and are the first to move. To solve the module, win 3 times in a row or play a total of 6 times in a draw. After every 15th game, if the module is not solved, then the current win-streak is interrupted, and the counter of draws is reset to zero.
Defeat will lead to a strike. Trying to make a non-jumping move when capture is possible will result in a forfeit defeat. A win with the opponent’s pieces on the board will result in two wins being credited instead of one. Defeat while you have pieces will result in two defeats instead of one.
There are two kinds of pieces: “men” and “kings”. Kings have a crown on top of it. To make a move select the piece to be moved and press the destination square. If after a jump it is required to make another jump just press destination without selecting the piece.
If for 3 moves in a row not a single men has been moved, and the number of pieces has not changed, then a draw will be counted.
You can read the shashki rules on the next page. The rules are different from checkers underlined.